Cigar Blog

Humidor Care & Cigar Maintenance

Caring for Your Humidor

A humidor is purchased in order to care for cigars, keeping your collection in top-notch condition. However, a humidor is not impervious to wear and tear. It is important that you provide proper care for your humidor with regular maintenance. This will ensure the humidor is working at its best and will provide optimal storage for your cigar collection.

Seasoning Before First Use

One tip for proper maintenance is your humidor is seasoned before it is used for the first time. A humidor that is created from Spanish cedar will absorb moisture and release moisture in a slow manner. This helps to maintain the humidity inside the unit. When this type of humidor arrives at your home, the cedar will be dry. If the cigars you own are placed in a dry humidor, the cedar will absorb the moisture from them. By seasoning the humidor first, you will prevent the unit from removing the moisture from your cigars.

Cool and Dark Storage

A humidor should have an internal temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The outside environment will help to determine the interior temperature of the humidor. Be sure to place your humidor away from the sun and store in a dark, cool place. This will help with temperature maintenance.

Checking the Hygrometer

The hygrometer associated with your humidor is the tool used to control humidity levels. You should be checking the hygrometer on a weekly basis, taking a reading in order to ensure the humidity levels are being maintained. Relative settings need to be at 70%. By watching this reading, you will be alerted to a problem and know instantly if your humidifier needs to be replaced or refilled.

By maintaining your humidor, you will be able to enjoy your cigars for longer and maintain your collection.

Take time to care for your humidor so your cigar collection always stays fresh.